Roast chicken breast rolled and stuffed

The Raost chicken breast rolled and stuffed is very good and very nice main course.


Here what you need:
6 hg chicken breast slices, 2 hg sweet raw ham, 4 eggs, 150 grams of grated parmesan cheese, 20 grams of chopped parsley, 2 glasses of white wine, 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, a glass of milk, a bit of grated pepper, kitchen wire.


First, beat the eggs with 2/3 of grated parmesan cheese, and add the parsley, coarsely chopped (I cut it with kitchen scissors).

Grease very little with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil a large non-stick pan and when the oil is hot, pour the beated eggs. Cook for a few minutes only from one side so that the top remains soft and creamy.


In the meantime, spread the slices of chicken breast to form a single slice, possibly overlapping a little ‘between them.
Roll the omelet resting it on the meat from the cooked part.

Spread on the omelet the rest of the parmesan, a little of grated pepper if you like it, and half of the slices of raw ham.


Roll up and wrap with the remaining raw ham.

With the kitchen string tie the roulade knotless, so that later it is easier to remove.


Put the rest of the olive oil in a nonstick pan, and fry over medium heat briefly the roulade on all sides, then add 2 glasses of dry white wine and 2 glasses of water. Turn down the heat, put the lid on and simmer the roulade, turning occasionally until almost all the liquid is consumed. It will take about 50-60 minutes. At this point, remove the roast from the pot, add a glass of milk and bake face to thicken and form a delicious gravy for your roast.


Cut the roast chicken brast into slices that will be nice and inviting, and serve with the sauce. Enjoy it!