Stuffed eggs recipe with pesto, parmesan and balsamic vinegar

This simple tasty and delicious stuffed eggs recipe in my interpretation of one of my dad specialties: he was used to prepare the stuffed eggs on Sunday, and decorated to them as funny puppies to enjoy me and my brother when we were kids, and then did the same for my two sons.
So anytime I prepare the stuffed eggs, I remember of my father and his capability to engage with kids: he was truly special.

This recipe is very special during Easter, it can be prepared in a very easy way and the eggs can be kept in the refrigerator an entire day without losing freshness and taste. It is the perfect appetizer with the family for the Good Friday meal.


You can pair this dish with a white wine, maybe something from Sardinia (an island in Italy) like Vermentino DOC, or with some freshly squeezed juice loke pomegranade and peach! This two kind of very sweet beverages are perfectly in contract with the salty accent of the pesto!




Stuffed eggs recipe with pesto, parmesan and balsamic vinegar

Per each stuffed eggs recipe you need:



  1. Boil the eggs for 15 / 20 minutes and keep them cold
  2. Carefully peel them and cut them in half
    Stuffed eggs recipe with pesto, parmesan and balsamic vinegar
  3. Put the pesto in a cup, add oil and Parmesan and mix well
    Stuffed eggs recipe with pesto, parmesan and balsamic vinegar
  4. Add the yolk of the hard-boiled eggs and mix with a fork
    Stuffed eggs recipe with pesto, parmesan and balsamic vinegarStuffed eggs recipe with pesto, parmesan and balsamic vinegar
  5. Use the cream you prepared to stuff the whites of the eggs as they are little cups
    Stuffed eggs recipe with pesto, parmesan and balsamic vinegar
  6. Press and model the stuff with a wet tablespoon
    Stuffed eggs recipe with pesto, parmesan and balsamic vinegar
  7. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and use them to decorate the eggs
    Stuffed eggs recipe with pesto, parmesan and balsamic vinegar
  8. Add few drops of glaze balsamic vinegar of Modena
  9. Let it rest for at least one hour in the fridge and serves
  10. Enjoy your stuffed eggs recipe and Buon appetito with Easy Italian Cuisine!